Investment Properties & Flipping
What is an Investment Property?
It is one that has been purchased with the goal of making a return on investment via rent, future sale of the property, or both. Most commonly we lend to borrowers with the purpose of flipping a house or building, or maintaining a monthly rental or second home.
What is Flipping?
Flipping is an investment strategy that occurs when someone purchases a property with the intention of reselling for a profit. The profit occurs via renovations (improving a distressed or abandoned building) or capitalizing on a hot housing market. Our investment loans are the ideal way to obtain or fix the property and quickly turn it around for profit.
Western Highland Mortgage is happy to provide loans on single-family Investment Properties with 1-4 units at a Loan-To-Value of 65%, based on the purchase price. Please note we have chosen a relatively conservative LTV due to severe market fluctuations over the past several years. We believe our conservative approach has kept our borrowers safe and our investors happy throughout the housing crisis. Although we are willing to negotiate to a small degree, we find the most benefit in sticking as closely as possible to this formula. Contact us now with any further questions or comments.
Western Highland Mortgage also specializes in lending on properties that have difficulty in obtaining conventional financing. Plus we pride ourselves on delivering a quick response, so the prospective borrower can plan accordingly.